Pregnancy Due Date (EDD) Calculator: How is the due date calculated?

You have just had a positive pregnancy test. What’s one of the first things you want to know? We bet, one of the first things you want to find out is when will you see your little bundle of joy for the first time! As a pregnant woman (or even if you are trying to get pregnant), the terms Pregnancy Due Date or Estimated Due Date or Estimated Date of Delivery ( EDD as it is more frequently referred to) will come up quite often for you. The pregnancy due date indicates the estimated delivery date for a pregnant woman. While doctors and the medical team need to know the EDD for various medical and logistical reasons, it is only natural that once the pregnancy test is positive, one of the first things expectant parents would want to know is when their baby will be born. There are many ways to calculate this date and we will cover them in this post Why is it important to know one’s EDD? Knowing the EDD, allows the parents to prepare for the baby – mentally, logistically and financ...