C-Section: 10 Things No One Told You About the Procedure

 According to WHO (World Health Organization), cesarean section rates are steadily rising and now make up more than 20% (1 in 5!!) of all childbirths. Despite how common it is, mothers who undergo it often talk about being surprised at some of the things that they experience. “Why did no one tell me?”, is a common refrain we have heard many times. So here are 10 things about the cesarean section that take women by surprise.

You will feel Cold and Shaky. Here’s Why

During a C-section, the mother receives a spinal block, which is a type of anesthesia injected into the spinal fluid to numb the lower half of the body. This anesthesia might cause temporary sensations like chills and trembling. These sensations are common reactions to the medication. A spinal block is different from general anesthesia in that it allows the mother to remain awake during the procedure without feeling pain. The cold or shaky feelings typically go away as the anesthesia wears off, and your healthcare provider can assist you if they become uncomfortable.

‘Gas Pains’ – A Common Post-C-Section Experience

After a C-section, new mothers may experience sluggish bowel movements leading to gas pains. This discomfort can extend to the shoulders and be felt as a shooting sensation. It’s typically managed with anti-gas medications and early mobility. These sensations may seem alarming but are common and generally manageable with proper care.

C-Section Is Usually Not A Scheduled Surgery

C-Section is usually performed when complications from pregnancy make vaginal birth impossible, or if there are risks to the mother or child, or if complications arise during labor. While planned C-sections are occasionally scheduled, they are not the routine choice due to several key factors including baby’s development and unpredictability of labour often making it challenging to set an exact date.

The Speed of the Procedure: C-Sections are Quick!

During a planned C-section surgery, the delivery takes about 10 to 15 minutes. During labor, if complications warrant a C-section, then, in emergency C-section cases, the delivery can happen quickly, with the baby being delivered in about 5 minutes. The entire C-section procedure from start to finish takes about 30-45 minutes. After the provider delivers the baby, they stitch the uterus and close the incision in the abdomen.

Recovery Insights: How Walking Can Help

It is normal for feet, legs, and even hands and face to swell after any type of delivery, especially after a C-section. Getting up and walking as soon as you can after the C-section surgery and drinking water can help with swelling and constipation. Excessive swelling that is painful and with warm spots is a cause of concern and needs medical attention.

Navigating Breastfeeding Challenges After a C-Section

Evidence has suggested that new mothers who have given birth by cesarean can find it more difficult to establish breastfeeding and they are more likely to stop breastfeeding earlier. Remember, breastfeeding is a learned skill for new moms and babies, in general. C-section deliveries can impact breastfeeding. Reach out to Veira Life for help, our lactation counselors can guide you through your breastfeeding struggles and challenges every step of the way.

Post-Operation Scar Care is Important

C-sections are generally safe, but they involve a surgical procedure with one incision in the abdomen and another in the uterus. As it is a major surgery, it is important to properly care for the incision to prevent injury and infection. C-section scars are often from side to side and below the bikini line. Once the scar starts to heal, there will be a faded line that is barely noticeable. It is important to take proper care of the incision scar to prevent injury and infection. You should be aware of the ways to support the healing process and minimize the scarring. Some things to remember:

  • Clean the incision regularly
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing
  • Do not exercise until your doctor allows it
  • Be present for every appointment with your doctor
  • Apply heat to the abdomen
  • Take pain relievers
  • Once the incision is healed, after 4 weeks, you can use oil or a lotion to gently massage the scar tissue. This helps to increase blood flow to this area of your body and to break up any internal adhesions. Adhesions can form with the uterus and bladder during the healing process.

The Emotional Journey

Physical changes are one of the critical aspects of the postpartum experience. Parenthood also brings mental changes and shifts. Lack of sleep and altering routines are likely to take a toll on new mums. There is also the risk of postpartum blues or depression. Emergency C-sections have been known to severely impact mental health. For more than two weeks after the C-section delivery, moms can experience symptoms that can make it hard to care for their baby or go about their life. They can experience intense sadness, mood swings, loss of appetite, heightened anxiety, or even a lack of joy. Seek support. Build a strong postnatal support team around you. There are a variety of options available, like postpartum doulas, qualified therapists, or even seek support groups and online communities.


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