Vaginal Birth or Elective C-Section: Making the Best Choice for You and Your Baby


What is Vaginal Birth?

Vaginal birth or vaginal delivery, is the most common method of childbirth for pregnant individuals. It involves the baby passing through the birth canal and being born through the mother’s vagina. Vaginal birth is a natural and physiological process, typically requiring less medical intervention compared to cesarean sections. In this approach, mothers actively engage with their body’s natural capabilities, establishing a strong connection with their baby throughout labor. This method is able to leverage the mother’s hormonal interplays and natural coping mechanisms to manage pain and facilitate labor. Vaginal birth usually allows for easy access to immediate mother-baby bonding opportunities and breastfeeding right after birth.

What is a C-Section?

In a C-section, specifically the LSCS (Lower Segment Cesarean Section), the doctor makes an incision through the lower abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. It can be done under regional, i.e. spinal block or general anesthetic. Usually the mother is awake during the entire surgery.

An elective C-section is performed at the first few signs of beginning of labor or when there are medical complications in the pregnancy which necessitates the need for surgery like in the case of certain kinds of multiples, placenta previa (where the placenta grows over the cervix), a transverse presentation (baby placed horizontally in the womb) and a previous c-section. Please do know that VBAC- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean is an option, explore it in pregnancy with your care provider. Expecting mothers can also request for their doctor to perform an elective C-section delivery after weighing in all the available options and making an informed decision. While an elective c-section procedure is an option, it is not recommended without a medical need as it is a major surgery with complications for both mother and child. Read More At


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